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DogDays Magazine 07 – Year book 2022

Déjà vu all over? Are we still in a pandemic? Life rolls on and so does the roller skate scene. But in which direction is it heading? In our new issue we tried to look at some of these questions.


Dog Days met Moxi creator Michelle Steilen in Barcelona to talk about the future of the company and how they plan to put it on financially solid ground. Katie Baird shows her backyard which happens to be the largest open skatepark in the US. And Alyssa Brooks reflects on the trend for baranis, cartwheels and the greater question whether to flip or not to flip is the only sh*t to do in the skatepark?!


Also, roller skating can only continue to exist and thrive because of the people who get active. So, there's a whole chapter to this topic! There's an interview with Courtney Shove about her fight for body positivity and how she manages not to get caught up by the negative sides of social media. Get ready to explore the DIY skate spot culture of Barcelona and CIB rider Nica Umeda takes us to Hawaii to a very special community project.


A story that goes deep is the one of German roller skate icon Holger Sander. Beule, as his friends all over the globe call him, is an inventive roller skater, skateboarder, surfer and sailor, an adventurer who in 2010 appeared to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Convicted and jailed for 30 years in Australia for a crime which none of his numerous friends believe he is guilty of. For years they have been actively supporting and aiding him. A story second to none!


Of course, there's a deep dive into some roller-skating history from the South Bank in London to the first steps in Bulgaria when skating behind the iron curtain was something only very few people were able to do.


And if that’s not enough, be prepared for some wonderful art by Lady Trample, Faustine Tarmasz, Anna Roschker and Jessika Savage and many amazing photographers who make all these skaters look good.


The DogDays Magazine year book 2022 is a high-quality print product, full magazine size, printed by a local printer in Germany. All items of the collector’s edition are designed, handmade and/or handprinted by Dog Days and local roller skaters who they support. We hope you like to support this idea too.


Photographers & Illustrators
Jessie James @dammit_jessie, Ragnaroll @_ragnaroll, Anna Roschker @anndrawsthings, Brett Rosiejka @brettrosiejka, Jessika Savage @jessikatastrophie, Bernhard Scheffold, Lady Trample @ladytrample, Jonas Vietense @jonasvietense, Lenny Gilmore @lennygilmore, Lee Yau @quadsk8dad


Alyssa Brooks @iguessimalyssa, Lucy Edwards @luceay, Marta Popowska @octopolly, Nica Umeda @nica.plays


Featured Skaters

Katie Baird @bambibloodlust, Cece @skatefantacee, George “Gogo” Jotzov, Len Laird @whole_lotta_len, Mary LaRoche @marypopwheels, Jeneva Martinez @dramamama_skates, Holger Sander, Courtney Shove @fat_girl_has_moxi, Michelle Steilen @estrojen, Tracy Ugai @xoxobanzai, Lee Yau @quadsk8dad and more


Don’t miss out on the DogDays Magazine 07 – Year Book 2022 COLLECTOR’S Edition!

Dog Days Year Book 2022

€ 20,00Price
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